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Wimbledon, North Dakota Radio Stations

We found 12 FM radio stations and 5 AM radio stations in the Wimbledon, ND area.

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
88.1 FMKJKRJamestown, ND
89.1 FMKJKLChristian ContemporaryJamestown, ND
89.9 FMKJTWReligiousJamestown, ND
91.5 FMKPRJJamestown, ND
93.3 FMKSJZHot ACJamestown, ND
95.5 FMKYNUCountryJamestown, ND
98.3 FMKXGTClassic HitsCarrington, ND
101.1 FMKQDJTop 40/CHRValley City, ND
103.1 FMKRVXRockWimbledon, ND
103.9 FMKZTKCountryArthur, ND
104.7 FMKFGOClassic HitsHope, ND

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
600 AMKSJBClassic CountryJamestown, ND
1400 AMKQDJCountryJamestown, ND
1490 AMKOVCCountryValley City, ND
1520 AMKMSRNorthwood, ND
1600 AMKDAKCountryCarrington, ND