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Walton, New York Radio Stations

We found 72 FM radio stations and 31 AM radio stations in the Walton, NY area.

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
88.1 FMWGWRReligiousLiberty, NY
88.1 FMWSQNReligiousGreene, NY
88.3 FMWFSOReligiousOlivebridge, NY
88.3 FMWLKAChristian ContemporaryTafton, PA
88.7 FMWMHYRichfield Springs, NY
88.9 FMWCIJReligiousUnadilla, NY
89.1 FMWBYHChristian ContemporaryHawley, PA
89.3 FMWSKGPublic RadioBinghamton, NY
89.5 FMWUUAGlen Spey, NY
89.7 FMWRHOVarietyOneonta, NY
89.7 FMWFGBChristian ContemporaryKingston, NY
89.9 FMWOPGReligiousEsperance, NY
90.1 FMWRCUVarietyHamilton, NY
90.1 FMWIFFReligiousWindsor, NY
90.1 FMWANZPublic RadioStamford, NY
90.5 FMWJFFPublic RadioJeffersonville, NY
90.5 FMWHRWVarietyBinghamton, NY
90.9 FMWZZHChristian ContemporaryHonesdale, PA
90.9 FMWONYVarietyOneonta, NY
90.9 FMWAMKPublic RadioKingston, NY
91.3 FMWIOXRoxbury, NY
91.5 FMWSQXPublic RadioBinghamton, NY
91.5 FMWPAUPalmyra Township, PA
91.7 FMWOSRPublic RadioMiddletown, NY
91.7 FMWSQCPublic RadioOneonta, NY
92.1 FMWDLACountryWalton, NY
92.5 FMWKGBRockConklin, NY
93.3 FMWJOBSusquehanna, PA
93.9 FMWKXZHot ACNorwich, NY
94.3 FMWTRWSoft Adult ContemporaryCarbondale, PA
94.7 FMWIYNOldiesDeposit, NY
95.3 FMWDNHHot ACHonesdale, PA
95.3 FMWBKTCountryNorwich, NY
95.9 FMWVOSClassic HitsLiberty, NY
96.5 FMWPELReligiousMontrose, PA
97.3 FMWZADCountryWurtsboro, NY
97.3 FMWMYYReligiousSchoharie, NY
97.5 FMWTBDAdult HitsDelhi, NY
97.9 FMWRIPAdult ContemporaryWindham, NY
98.1 FMWHWKCountryBinghamton, NY
98.3 FMWSULHot ACMonticello, NY
99.1 FMWAALClassic RockBinghamton, NY
99.3 FMWRWBCountryEllenville, NY
99.7 FMWJUXReligiousSouth Fallsburg, NY
100.1 FMWQFNOldiesForest City, PA
100.3 FMWDHIOldiesDelhi, NY
100.5 FMWDREClassic HitsSusquehanna, PA
100.9 FMWCDOAdult ContemporarySidney, NY
101.1 FMWBUGCountryFort Plain, NY
101.7 FMWLTBAdult ContemporaryJohnson City, NY
101.9 FMWJIVReligiousCherry Valley, NY
102.1 FMWDNBCountryJeffersonville, NY
103.1 FMWZOZClassic HitsOneonta, NY
103.3 FMWMXWAdult ContemporaryVestal, NY
103.9 FMWSRKHot ACOneonta, NY
104.1 FMWWYLTop 40/CHRChenango Bridge, NY
104.5 FMWHNBCountryHancock, NY
105.3 FMWYCYClassic HitsHawley, PA
105.3 FMWGKRReligiousGrand Gorge, NY
105.7 FMWBNWTop 40/CHREndicott, NY
106.1 FMWPDAClassic RockJeffersonville, NY
106.7 FMWCDWHot ACPort Dickinson, NY
107.5 FMWBBICountryEndwell, NY

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
590 AMWARMOldiesScranton, PA
630 AMWEJLSportsScranton, PA
680 AMWINRClassic CountryBinghamton, NY
730 AMWDOSCountryOneonta, NY
750 AMWQORReligiousOlyphant, PA
800 AMWPELGospelMontrose, PA
910 AMWAAFNews/TalkScranton, PA
920 AMWYBYReligiousCortland, NY
920 AMWGHQNostalgiaKingston, NY
970 AMWCHNNostalgiaNorwich, NY
1120 AMWKAJSaint Johnsville, NY
1190 AMWSDENostalgiaCobleskill, NY
1230 AMWIXTVariety HitsLittle Falls, NY
1240 AMWVOSClassic HitsLiberty, NY
1270 AMWDLANostalgiaWalton, NY
1290 AMWNBFTalkBinghamton, NY
1310 AMWTLBNostalgiaUtica, NY
1330 AMWEBOFull ServiceOwego, NY
1340 AMWALLOldiesMiddletown, NY
1360 AMWYOSSportsBinghamton, NY
1370 AMWJIPCountryEllenville, NY
1400 AMWICKSportsScranton, PA
1420 AMWNRSSportsHerkimer, NY
1430 AMWENESportsEndicott, NY
1440 AMWCDLRegional MexicanCarbondale, PA
1450 AMWYNYAdult ContemporaryMilford, PA
1460 AMWGMMCountryTunkhannock, PA
1490 AMWKNYAdult ContemporaryKingston, NY
1490 AMWDLCOldiesPort Jervis, NY
1490 AMWCDOAdult ContemporarySidney, NY
1590 AMWPSNNews/TalkHonesdale, PA