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St. Ansgar, Iowa Radio Stations

We found 45 FM radio stations and 20 AM radio stations in the St. Ansgar, IA area.

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
88.5 FMKBDCReligiousMason City, IA
88.7 FMKMSEAdult Album AlternativeRochester, MN
88.9 FMKWVIReligiousWaverly, IA
89.1 FMKVCSReligiousSpring Valley, MN
89.9 FMKRPRClassic RockRochester, MN
89.9 FMKWARAlternativeWaverly, IA
90.1 FMKNSEPublic RadioAustin, MN
90.7 FMKLSEPublic RadioRochester, MN
91.3 FMKMSKPublic RadioAustin, MN
91.5 FMKNSMPublic RadioMason City, IA
91.7 FMKZSEClassicalRochester, MN
91.9 FMKZOWForest City, IA
92.1 FMKRUEOldiesWaseca, MN
92.9 FMKFSIReligiousRochester, MN
93.9 FMKIAICountryMason City, IA
94.9 FMKCPIAlbert Lea, MN
95.1 FMKCZECountryNew Hampton, IA
95.5 FMKJCYSt. Ansgar, IA
95.9 FMKCHAAdult ContemporaryCharles City, IA
96.1 FMKQPRClassic RockAlbert Lea, MN
96.5 FMKWWKCountryRochester, MN
97.5 FMKNXRAdult StandardsRochester, MN
97.9 FMKCMRReligiousMason City, IA
98.7 FMKSMACountryOsage, IA
99.3 FMKWAYTop 40/CHRWaverly, IA
99.9 FMKAUSCountryAustin, MN
100.9 FMKOWZAdult ContemporaryBlooming Prairie, MN
101.7 FMKRCHClassic RockRochester, MN
102.3 FMKCZQOldiesCresco, IA
102.7 FMKYTCActive RockNorthwood, IA
103.1 FMKHAMClassic RockBritt, IA
103.1 FMKFILCountryChatfield, MN
103.7 FMKLKKClassic RockClear Lake, IA
104.3 FMKFNLOldiesSpring Valley, MN
104.7 FMKVIKDecorah, IA
104.9 FMKLMJAdult ContemporaryHampton, IA
104.9 FMKRFOCountryOwatonna, MN
105.3 FMKYBAAdult ContemporaryStewartville, MN
106.1 FMKLSSHot Adult ContemporaryMason City, IA
106.9 FMKROCTop 40/CHRRochester, MN
107.3 FMKIOWVarietyForest City, IA

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
920 AMKDHLClassic CountryFaribault, MN
970 AMKQAQReligiousAustin, MN
1010 AMKRNIPublic RadioMason City, IA
1060 AMKFILCountryPreston, MN
1170 AMKFOWTalkWaseca, MN
1240 AMKWLCDecorah, IA
1240 AMKDECDecorah, IA
1250 AMKCFIOldiesCedar Falls, IA
1270 AMKFANSportsRochester, MN
1300 AMKGLONews/TalkMason City, IA
1340 AMKROCNews/TalkRochester, MN
1390 AMKRFOCountryOwatonna, MN
1450 AMKATENews/TalkAlbert Lea, MN
1470 AMKWAYCountryWaverly, IA
1480 AMKAUSNews/TalkAustin, MN
1490 AMKRIBOldiesMason City, IA
1510 AMKIFGAdult ContemporaryIowa Falls, IA
1520 AMKOLMSportsRochester, MN
1560 AMKBEWOldiesBlue Earth, MN
1580 AMKCHACharles City, IA