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Prairie City, Oregon Radio Stations

We found 9 FM radio stations and 3 AM radio stations in the Prairie City, OR area.

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
88.9 FMKOBKPublic RadioBaker City, OR
89.7 FMKOJDJohn Day, OR
90.7 FMKANLReligiousBaker, OR
91.9 FMKESYReligiousBaker City, OR
91.9 FMKGNRReligiousJohn Day, OR
94.5 FMKJDYCountryCanyon City, OR
95.3 FMKKBCOldiesBaker, OR
98.1 FMKSPL-LPReligiousJohn Day, OR
102.9 FMKHKOPrairie City, OR

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
1230 AMKZHCBurns, OR
1400 AMKJDYCountryJohn Day, OR
1490 AMKBKRBaker, OR