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Eatonton, Georgia Radio Stations

We found 53 FM radio stations and 44 AM radio stations in the Eatonton, GA area.

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
88.1 FMWNEEEasy ListeningPatterson, GA
88.3 FMWRGCPublic RadioMilledgeville, GA
88.7 FMWJDSReligiousSparta, GA
88.9 FMWBKGReligiousMacon, GA
88.9 FMWMSLReligiousAthens, GA
89.1 FMWBIBChristian ContemporaryForsyth, GA
89.1 FMWAKPReligiousSmithboro, GA
89.5 FMWYFWReligiousWinder, GA
89.9 FMWRRDGreensboro, GA
90.5 FMWUOGCollegeAthens, GA
90.5 FMWPWBReligiousByron, GA
90.7 FMWMVVReligiousGriffin, GA
91.3 FMWJTGReligiousFort Valley, GA
91.5 FMWJGSReligiousNorwood, GA
91.7 FMWUGAPublic RadioAthens, GA
92.1 FMWJGAVarietyJackson, GA
92.3 FMWLZNUrbanMacon, GA
92.3 FMWMOQCountryBostwick, GA
93.1 FMWCHZR&BWarrenton, GA
93.7 FMWPEZAdult ContemporaryJeffersonville, GA
94.3 FMWTHPReligiousGibson, GA
94.7 FMWULKCrawfordville, GA
95.3 FMWGURCollegeMilledgeville, GA
96.5 FMWIHBCountryGray, GA
97.7 FMWMGZHot ACEatonton, GA
99.1 FMWDENCountryMacon, GA
99.9 FMWSNTCountrySandersville, GA
100.1 FMWPUPTop 40/CHRWatkinsville, GA
100.1 FMWQMJUrban OldiesForsyth, GA
100.7 FMWLRREasy ListeningMilledgeville, GA
101.7 FMWRBVUrban Adult ContemporaryWarner Robins, GA
101.7 FMWTHOCountryThomson, GA
101.9 FMWJFLAdult ContemporaryTennille, GA
102.1 FMWGMGAdult ContemporaryCrawford, GA
102.1 FMWWWDChristian ContemporaryBolingbroke, GA
102.3 FMWKZRCountryMilledgeville, GA
102.5 FMWGLUChristian ContemporaryWarner Robins, GA
102.7 FMWPMAReligiousBuckhead, GA
103.7 FMWVKXUrban ContemporaryIrwinton, GA
103.9 FMWDDKOldiesGreensboro, GA
104.7 FMWFSHChristian ContemporaryAthens, GA
105.5 FMWLXFChristian ContemporaryMacon, GA
105.9 FMWFALMilner, GA
106.3 FMWQBZRockFort Valley, GA
106.7 FMWAKLChristian ContemporaryGainesville, GA
107.1 FMWFXMUrbanGordon, GA
107.5 FMWRWRNews/TalkCochran, GA

FrequencyCallsignFormatCity of License
610 AMWPLORegional MexicanGrayson, GA
750 AMWSBNews/TalkAtlanta, GA
790 AMWQXISportsAtlanta, GA
860 AMWAECReligiousAtlanta, GA
900 AMWYPZUrban ACMacon, GA
940 AMWMACNews/TalkMacon, GA
960 AMWRFCSportsAthens, GA
970 AMWNIVReligiousAtlanta, GA
980 AMWDDONews/TalkPerry, GA
990 AMWISKSpanishLawrenceville, GA
1010 AMWTZARhythmic OldiesAtlanta, GA
1040 AMWPBSEthnicConyers, GA
1090 AMWBAFCountryBarnesville, GA
1100 AMWJZATalkHapeville, GA
1150 AMWXKOCountryFort Valley, GA
1190 AMWAFSReligiousAtlanta, GA
1230 AMWXLICountryDublin, GA
1240 AMWTWAAdult StandardsThomson, GA
1250 AMWYTHNostalgiaMadison, GA
1270 AMWJJCNews/TalkCommerce, GA
1280 AMWIHBClassic CountryMacon, GA
1300 AMWJBBVarietyWinder, GA
1310 AMWWWEGospelDecatur, GA
1330 AMWMLTUrban ContemporaryDublin, GA
1340 AMWGAUNews/TalkAthens, GA
1350 AMWBMLNews/TalkWarner Robins, GA
1370 AMWLOVOldiesWashington, GA
1400 AMWVGCOldiesElberton, GA
1400 AMWUXLNews/TalkMacon, GA
1410 AMWKKPCountryMcdonough, GA
1420 AMWPEHCountryLouisville, GA
1420 AMWWSZInternationalDecatur, GA
1430 AMWYKGGospelCovington, GA
1440 AMWDXQClassic CountryCochran, GA
1450 AMWMVGSportsMilledgeville, GA
1450 AMWKEUOldiesGriffin, GA
1460 AMWXEMRegional MexicanBuford, GA
1470 AMWXAGGospelAthens, GA
1480 AMWYZEGospelAtlanta, GA
1490 AMWKUNGospelMonroe, GA
1490 AMWSNTSportsSandersville, GA
1540 AMWKVQNostalgiaEatonton, GA
1570 AMWIGOGospelMorrow, GA
1670 AMWMGENews/TalkDry Branch, GA